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For-Profit Registered Providers

For-Profit Registered Providers


Registered Providers are operating in a challenging economic climate. The increased costs associated with development, building safety, disrepair and retrofitting have coincided with the effects of a temporary cap on RPs’ main source of income (rents) and considerable volatility in the financial markets, ultimately leading to a squeeze on operating margins and, for many RPs, a severe test to their financial viability.

It is in this context that many of our RP clients are seeking to unlock alternative means of funding, including partnering with and/or establishing For Profit Registered Providers (FPRPs). Our specialist social housing team is at the forefront of advising a sector-wide range of charitable RPs, FPRPs and other stakeholders on innovative funding opportunities and models, often including sustainable finance and ESG linked funding elements.

Advice to For-Profit Registered Providers

  • Setting up for profit RPs
  • Governance and regulatory
  • Finance and alternative funding
  • Acquisitions and disposals
  • Stock rationalisation programmes
  • Tax
  • Joint ventures
  • Sale and leaseback
  • Management agreements
  • Structuring
  • Security structures
  • Plotsales
  • Developments
  • Planning
  • Construction

Who to contact