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Manchester Office

Winckworth Sherwood

Room 147, St James Tower
7 Charlotte St, Manchester M1 4DZ

Tel: +44 (0)161 300 1359

Fax: +44 (0)20 7593 5099

DX: 156810 London Bridge 6


Report an Unusual Activity

Please note our emails use Any other email address using a different domain is not a legitimate email from Winckworth Sherwood.

Any business or transaction through Minerva House, 5 Montague Close, London SE1 9BB is not undertaken by an employee or partner of the firm.

If you receive a suspicious email purporting to be from Winckworh Sherwood using the name of any of our lawyers or firm personnel, please forward it to and then delete.

A current scam doing the rounds has the subject “Unpaid Invoice”. 

Contact us

Do you have a general enquiry?
Please fill in the below right.


If you are reporting a potential scam message or phishing email you have received, please check our current scam alerts here.

To understand how your data will be used, please read our Privacy Policy.