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School Buildings

School Buildings


The number of pupils in England is rising and there are high levels of demand for pupil places. Many schools are in urgent need of more space and extra investment in buildings. As a result, we are seeing an increasing number of building works and expansion projects to address this need. The prospect of signing up to contracts worth thousands of pounds and the risks involved and understanding the procurement rules can be daunting for governing bodies.

Our experience

We have a vast amount of experience in school building programmes and procurement including school constructions and re-development, expansion, new build and refurbishment, free school projects in new build/refurbished buildings, new school provision, classroom extensions, sports halls and gym facilities, SEN units, community use facilities, sixth form centres, drama studios and fitness suites.

What we can do for you

We have advised on formal capital procurement programmes such as the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme (both PFI and “Design & Build”) and more recently, the Priority School Building Programme (PSBP) and Targeted Basic Need. We also advise on the Academies Capital Maintenance Fund, Devolved Formula Capital, Private Finance Initiative (PFI) Schemes and other ad hoc funding allocations through Local Authorities or funds becoming available via land disposals and land swaps.

Our advice includes:

  • Grant/funding agreements
  • Development agreements
  • PSBP Memorandum of Understanding
  • PSBP Governing Body Agreement
  • Building contracts
  • Procurement and tendering advice
  • Professional consultant appointments
  • Letters of Intent
  • Warranties and Performance bonds
  • Expansion consultation and EFA consents on significant changes
  • Property protection, consents, transfers, disposals, split site issues and complex land swaps
  • Licences and rights of access for contractors and sub-contractors
  • Decant issues, safeguarding issues and disruption of education at school during the construction phase
  • PFI variations to deal with new building or FM arrangements
  • ICT and FM interface agreements post construction phase