Stephen is experienced in drafting and promoting legislation of all kinds for local authorities, other public bodies, utilities, transport undertakers, commercial organisations, charities and others. A Welsh speaker, he has several public sector and other clients in Wales. Apart from promoting Bills and other legislation, Stephen’s practice includes opposing legislation on behalf of clients concerned by powers sought by others with a view to securing amendments or other safeguards.
In common with other members of the parliamentary department Stephen advises on the implementation of legislation and has settled agreements, undertakings, forms, notices and other documents required to give effect to statutory powers.
Drafting a variety of Private Members Bills and Bills subsequently enacted with or without amendments as public legislation. These Bills include extending Copyright Acts, Bills to amend Gaming Act 1968 giving effect to recommendation on Royal Commission on Gaming, Video Recordings Bill (passed as Video Recordings Act 1984), various Bills to control smoking for Action on Smoking and Health, Welsh Language Act 1993 (for requiring use of Welsh by public bodies in Wales) and other legislation. Stephen has also prepared amendments to Government Bills of various kinds.
Private Bills promoted for local authorities include those for Essex County Council, former Dyfed County Council, Nottinghamshire County Council and other local authorities in England, Scotland and Wales. Legislation promoted for transport authorities includes several Bills for British Waterways Board. Stephen recently promoted a Private Bill for the National Trust and is currently promoting the Broads Authority Bill in Parliament.
Stephen has drafted statutory instruments, rules, schemes, byelaws and other subordinate legislation for local authorities, statutory undertakers, professional bodies, charities and others.
2011 to date: Consultant, Winckworth Sherwood
1985 to 2011: Partner, Winckworth Sherwood
1985 to date: Roll A Parliamentary Agent
1976 to 1985: Assistant Solicitor, Winckworth Sherwood
1973 to 1975: Articled Clerk, Borough Solicitor, London Borough of Lewisham