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Manchester Office

Winckworth Sherwood

Room 147, St James Tower
7 Charlotte St, Manchester M1 4DZ

Tel: +44 (0)161 300 1359

Fax: +44 (0)20 7593 5099

DX: 156810 London Bridge 6


Contact us regarding a property transaction below.


Report an Unusual Activity

Please note our emails use Any other email address using a different domain is not a legitimate email from Winckworth Sherwood.

Any business or transaction through Minerva House, 5 Montague Close, London SE1 9BB is not undertaken by an employee or partner of the firm.

If you receive a suspicious email purporting to be from Winckworh Sherwood using the name of any of our lawyers or firm personnel, please forward it to and then delete.

A current scam doing the rounds has the subject “Unpaid Invoice”. 

Contact us

Do you have a general enquiry?
Please fill in the below right.


If Winckworth Sherwood are involved in a conveyance or property matter relating to a property you own or are dealing with, and you do not know who to contact, or have received an out of office message from the person you previously dealt with, please contact so we can direct your enquiry to the appropriate person.


If you are reporting a potential scam message or phishing email you have received, please check our current scam alerts here.

To understand how your data will be used, please read our Privacy Policy.