This week, BBC 1 aired the documentary ‘Becoming A Step Family’ which told the story of Rio and Kate Ferdinand and Rio’s children’s journey to becoming a step family after the death of his late wife, and the children’s mother, Rebecca, in 2015. It touched on a number of themes: life and love after loss, supporting children through the grief of losing a parent and the challenges in becoming a blended family.
While children of divorce do not suffer the same permanent loss as bereaved children, when their parents separate, they do experience a sense of grief. Their family as they knew it will never be the same again, and the building blocks on which their own lives have been built can suddenly feel very insecure.
Starting a relationship with someone who has young children, and becoming a permanent fixture in their children’s lives, can present huge challenges. It can be an unsettling time for children; with these set to change again. For some, becoming a blended family can come naturally, while for others it can be a much rockier road.
Every family and every child is different, and there is no one approach that will work for all when establishing new family ties unit with a step-parent.