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Financial planning factors that would apply to Jeff Bezos giving away his fortune


Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has vowed to give away most of his £107 billion fortune during his lifetime. WS Partner Tim Snaith notes “Zuckerberg made a similar statement some years ago but this was more of a pledge, rather than an actual gift, so to speak” in an article on The Wealth Net.


Mr Snaith has said this raises questions such as:

  • How do you give it away efficiently?
  • To what extent does he actually want to give it away?
  • Is there any liquidity available?
  • How much control does he want to have over the use of the funds in the future?

“At this level of giving – and perhaps anyone thinking of giving £1 million+ – it would most probably involve establishing his own philanthropic structure, as opposed to just giving it away to other established charities.”

Read the full article on The Wealth Net. (£)

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