Behaviour and discipline issues are likely to materialise during the period of school closure and there are interesting questions about the extent to which schools will have control over this in relation to the pupils who are off site. Where schools are providing remote learning facilities, pupils should be issued with an updated, interim behaviour policy which sets out expectations for the completion of work and the rules relating to online conduct (which is, of course, also a safeguarding issue) and general behaviour.
It is also likely that schools may have to respond to behaviour issues involving the children who are continuing to attend school and thought will need to be given to how those issues will be managed lawfully, being mindful that there is likely to be an altered management structure. This should also be addressed in any interim behaviour policy which our team can review if required. In addition, given that some members of staff may be asked to work with children whose needs they are not familiar with, urgent training on the school’s positive handling policy should be provided where appropriate for the protection of the staff and pupils.