Winckworth Sherwood actively encourages our people to get involved in activities to help support our local community as part of our commitment to CSR.
This is more than just giving our time. It also involves sharing our energy, knowledge, expertise and passion with others. By becoming involved in long-term projects, we are building valuable relationships with the wider community that are mutually beneficial and help to add a sense of purpose and perspective to what we do.
We work with two primary schools located in Southwark to assist children with developing their literacy skills.
This support also encourages those who need extra time, which cannot be given in the classroom, to learn a love of books in a friendly environment. Some children may come from larger families or from households where English is not their first language and need a bit more support and encouragement.
In conjunction with the Southwark Citizens Advice Bureaux, we have set up a rent arrears clinic, providing advice to tenants of the London Borough of Southwark who are in or at risk of being in rent arrears. This aims to assist those attending, ensuring that tenants are only liable to pay the rent they are asked to pay, explaining rent enforcement procedures, checking that full benefit entitlement is being sought and helping those in arrears with suitable repayment provisions.
A group of Winckworth Sherwood staff work with the Bankside Open Spaces Trust (BOST), helping with gardening and landscaping at the nearby at Christ Church Blackfriars.
We are committed to behaving responsibly and efficiently in order to enhance the long term interests of the firm, the community and the environment. As a firm with over 300 employees based in offices in Blackfriars, Oxford and Manchester, we understand that our day to day operations have a direct impact upon the environment.
So whether it be through publishing guidelines, training or regular independent audits, we monitor closely areas such as energy usage, waste and recycling, travel, sustainable procurement and how as a firm we can minimise these impacts through improvement in our environmental performance.
We have also implemented a ‘no bin’ policy and double sided printing, as well as hosting an annual ‘Green Week’ in our offices to raise awareness of being green and promoting healthy living through a variety of activities that everyone can get involved in.