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About Emma

EJ is a planning and infrastructure lawyer with project management experience. She specialises in the delivery of energy and transport infrastructure projects, by means of development consent orders, Transport and Works Act orders and orders under the Harbours Act, and advises promoters at all stages of the consent process; she has also acted for the promoter on each phase of High Speed 2. EJ is widely experienced in the handling of procedural matters, at both pre- and post-implementation stages, enabling promoters to deliver effectively and confidently. She also advises statutory undertakers affected by others’ schemes, negotiating and securing protective provisions to be included in the relevant order, and asset protection agreements. EJ has particular experience in matters relating to environmental assessment and compulsory acquisition.

Relevant Experience

Energy and Marine

  • Acting for the promoter of the Rookery South Energy from Waste DCO, including taking the made order through Special Parliamentary Procedure
  • Acting for the promoter of the Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon DCO, which included applications for a marine licence and relevant harbour revision order
  • Acting for statutory authorities, including Port of London Authority and Canal & River Trust, in objecting to TWAOs affecting their undertakings


  • Acting for Network Rail in the promotion of a number of TWAOs and DCOs, including obtaining listed buildings consent and other approvals, and also on the promotion of level crossing closure orders
  • Acting for Transport for London as highway authority, drafting and negotiating a wide range of agreements under the Highways Act 1980 and New Roads and Street Works Act 1991
  • Acting for HS2 Limited on the implementation of High Speed 2 Phase 1, advising on environmental matters for Phases 2a and 2b of HS2 and negotiating with stakeholders


  • Acting for both promoters and objectors to compulsory purchase orders made under the Highways Act 1980 or the Town and Country Planning Act 1990
  • Acting for National Grid in respect of its property portfolio on agreements under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Professional Memberships

  • Law Society of England and Wales
  • National Infrastructure Planning Association
  • Compulsory Planning Association

Career Experience

2018 to date: Senior Associate, Winckworth Sherwood

2011 to 2018 : Senior Associate, DLA Piper

2007 to 2011: Associate, Wragge & Co

2005 to 2007: Trainee Solicitor, Bircham Dyson Bell